Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Big Picture

With our national debt currently at about 13 trillion, its clear that in order to decrease our national deficit, we need to operate with a budget surplus. If I were to have the opportunity to give the presidents financial advisors advice, I would first of all suggest a possible rise in federal income tax by 1.5% or so over a 5-7 year time frame. Also, I would suggest that the money the government does have should be spent a little bit more carefully. For example, in class we learned that the government has given money to Harvard to research ducks, this is no way is aiding the well being of our country. Also, I would suggest creating jobs.
            Our nation is headed into another Great Depression if we are not able to turn things around in a hurry. The majority of the power to create a change falls in the hands of the president. Actually, a good place to begin cutting costs would be in the executive and legislative branches themselves. If each member of congress, and those involved in the white house could cut their budget down a percentage, this could have a real benefit on spending. Also, our countries largest investment is in our military. If we were to find ways to maintain our national security, while at the same time cutting down on costs in this area, our country would be spending a lot less each year. 

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