As we said in our discussion in class, the government has
the right to tax people if they are taxing for things that will truly benefit
those paying for it, such as the reconstruction of a highway, or a school tax.
On the other hand, if the government were to tax dogs, or bicycles, that would
be ridiculous.
Regulation of business…
The government has a lot of different responsibilities when
it comes to the overall regulation of businesses. There are a set amount of
laws that they put in place to keep certain aspects of businesses running
smoothly and efficiently. Examples of these keys aspects are; employment and
labor, advertising, the overall environment and safety and health. The
government clearly has a responsibility to recognize areas that are in need of
structure in order to pass a law.
In regards to employment and labor, the government has put in to place
laws that pertain to minimum wage, benefits, safety and health compliance, etc,
each benefiting the business itself and its workers.
Social programs…
In my opinion, it’s important for the government to have a
role in funding certain social programs that will benefit the people. That
being said, only if these social programs involve organized work intended to
advance the social conditions of a community, by providing psychological counseling,
guidance, and assistance such as social services, should the government assist
with funds. It’s important for a government to watch out for the well being of
its people.
Defense spending and veteran affairs…
The governments most important role in defense spending and
veterans affairs is its funding of salaries, training and health care of
uniformed and civilian personnel, and maintaining arms, equipment and
facilities. Overall the government is vital to the needs of the military and in
my opinion the fact that it plays such a huge role is key to its success.
Economic Development…
In my opinion the government
should be able to set up different laws such as minimum wage and health
benefits, etc in the workplace, but it should not get too involved with the day
to day. Also, when any type of business begins to go out of business, it is the
government’s job to take in to consideration what kind of loss this could bring
and whether or not to bail such a business out if need be.
Social Security and Medicare…
The government’s role in social security and Medicare is
determining who is going to receive it based on age, financial need and overall
circumstances. The government has complete control over who is qualified.
I don’t have a clear enough
opinion on government’s involvement in infrastructure, but I do know that the
government should fund science programs if and only if they are beneficial to
the growth of our country. There is no need to waste money on random science
projects when we could be spending it on true advancements.
Financial Aid…
It’s true that our country is in
deep, deep debt. Many people argue that spending money to benefit the needs of
foreign countries would cause America to sink further in to this debt hole of
ours, but I believe that in the long run, we could benefit from helping others.
By giving money to better a countries economy that is in need, we are opening
up opportunities to trade and gain new products. In my opinion, the government
should aid foreign countries that are truly in need and could eventually
benefit the U.S.